Who We Are?
Unimas Endustriyel Elmaslar Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. was founded in 1986. A provider of enviable products in glass sector in its early years, the company became a quality leader in Turkey in the production of concrete and asphalt cutting and drilling tools it developed, not long after it focused its attention on this segment of the diamond saws since the stagnation in glass sector. Saws with longest cuts in concrete and asphalt cutting are still unequivocally manufactured by Unimas. Unimas is the choice for users and contractors who desire high quality with low costs, aiming to execute great projects with lowest figures in terms of unit linear meter costs.
KOSGEB Projects,
Two times Winner of Utility
Model Certificate
Granite Cutting
Circular saw and
diamond bead rope
What Do We Do?
Unimas has been manufacturing marble and granite cutting saws, splitting saws, grinding heads, heading saws, antique and sizing blades since 2000. The company has carried its practice of manufacturing quality saws in concrete and asphalt sector into this sector right after it launched. Just like in the concrete and asphalt sector, Unimas has been a pioneer in the stone sector as well.
Our Mission
Our company makes a point of attaining the highest quality possible for the diamond cutters it manufactures. We receive consultancy from universities. We follow foreign publications closely. We take note of global inventions and new applications in relation to our field. We strive to produce the best high-speed cutters. Customer satisfaction is important for us.

51% of our 2015 sales were exports.
Our Products and Services
- Asphalt Cutting Blades
- Fresh Concrete Cutting Blades
- Old Concrete Cutting Blades
- Prestressed Concrete Cutting Blades
- Aerated Concrete Cutting Blades
- Concrete Chamfer Blades
- Concrete Joint Widening Blades
- Concrete Grinding Segments
- Marble Cutting Blades
- Granite Cutting Blades
- Refractory and Fire-brick Cutting Blades
- Pumice Cutting Blades
- Frame Saw Segments
- Concrete Core Drill Segments
- Diamond Wire Ropes
Know How Long You Cut…
1- Lifespan and endurance of marble cutting saws were measured by time until Unimas entered this sector. Back then, the lifespan of a saw was explained with terms without any metrical units. For example “This saw endured 3 months” or “The saw became useless in 1 month.” Unimas commenced to follow the cutting performance of saws, in square-meters. The company sent out a “Customer Satisfaction Form” attached to each delivery. Our customers were frequently asked about the yardage that the saw performed. Then, this data was sorted out and the yardage of each type of stone was recorded. Thus, our customers had an opportunity to see the cost of each square-meter of the cut stone per saw. The performance of cuttings (in square-meters) in one shift or the cutting fasts (m2/min) reached during various types of stone cutting were revealed. The conversation shifted to include how much of this data was in line with theoretical values.
Innovative Segments…
2- As the first step in this sector, Unimas had developed and released to the market its own unique and more efficient segment formats which were distinctly different from those of its competitors. For example, today, Unimas Sandwich Segment system is applied to all marble cutting saws in diameters between 1000-1800 mm. Furthermore, Unimas developed water-channeled segments that are especially used in muddy stones and obtained the utility model license of this innovation from the Turkish Patent Institute.